Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Natural Beauty

The term, "New Beginnings" is usually linked with the Spring season. New life is sprouting up all around us, and our environment is changing (usually for the better). On Saturday, we got to spend the evening with a gorgeous young lady who is on the verge of a new chapter in her life. With all new beginnings, something must also come to an end. Next year, Rylee will no longer be labeled as a "High School Student", she will then be a coined a "College Student"! We were thrilled to be able to capture Rylee at a very important stage in her life. A time where she will no longer be referred to as a child, but instead a woman.

I was so impressed by this young lady.  Not only is she beautiful on the outside, but her most powerful beauty came from within. She is smart, witty, well-traveled, confident, unique, laid back, and playful.  This girl is the "total package", and I am sure she will do great things.

Here are only a few photos from our adventurous day.







Rylee - have fun these last couple of weeks! Thanks again for the fun! :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sweet & Sassy

I can't describe to you how much fun we had with Little Miss O! At one moment, she was smiling sweetly into our lenses . . . and the next moment she was posing with major attitude - throwing her hip to the side with a "Tyra Banks" smirk on that adorable face of hers. This girl has it all!







Sunday, May 8, 2011

true love

Love was in the air this weekend . . . but not just any love . . . a love that will go on forever. A love with no boundaries. The truest love there is . . . the love between a mother an her son. I had the pleasure to follow this adorable duo around a couple of area parks. The regular kind of park and then even a "car park" :)

Little "E" had us in stitches with his little side commentary. At the ripe old age of two-and-a-half (he can even tell you when his birthday is . . .), this little guy can hold down a conversation!! We loved listening to everything he had to say!

Oh, and did I mention? . . . his darling expressions, the big blue eyes coupled with his long lashes . . . he is a.dor.a.ble!




When I asked "E" where he was taking his mommy to, he said, "the movies". What a sweet boy!!



One thing is for sure . . . he loves his mama! We can't wait to see you in July when we get to capture the family as a whole!